This blog is dedicated to topics things that affect our general wellbeing. My goal is provide tips, tricks and empathy for the variety of things you might be struggling with. For more work-related content like how managers can deal with burnout, or the future of AI and HR , check out my blog, hr4fun, on Medium.
Strategies for success in the ‘hot seat’
Did you know that 92% of people have interview anxiety? If you're in that %, read my latest blog post to see why you might be feeling nervous and how to overcome the jitters. You're not alone!
Lessons of the Unemployed
Check out my latest blog post on what I've learned to embrace during unemployment. Hopefully it will inspire others experiencing job loss to keep on truckin' through a hard time and a difficult market.
Resolutions vs. Intentions
Don’t set yourself up for failure, sent intentions not resolutions.
Winter Blues? Let's Sleigh Them
According to the American Psychiatric Association, more than 5% of adults experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) 40% of the year. While you may not have SAD, winter blues are still a real thing for many of us, brought on by shorter daylight hours and less sunlight in winter.
New job…who dis? How to set yourself apart from other candidates and not lose yourself in the process.
Feel like you’re up against a million other candidates? Feel like you aren’t seen/heard? Feel like you’re losing your sanity? We’ve all been there, and I’m there now. Let’s explore together how to shift our perspective and theirs.